
Showing posts from January, 2023

Survivor Canberra S2 Edgic - Opening Thoughts

Hello to all the Survivor Canberra fans, and any other people who may have stumbled across this post! My name is Mylo and I'm doing an edgic for Survivor Canberra Season 2 - The Ultimate Sacrifice. After each episode, I'll be going over the content presented in the episode, giving every character a rating based on their portrayal and be using that information to predict where the players may fall - including who the eventual winner may be. For any unfamiliar with edgic, I'd recommend looking at this post to help explain the general aims of edgic along with the abbreviations. Note that it contains some US Survivor spoilers if that bothers you. My edgic chart this season will look like the following: After each episode I'll update this chart with new rankings for players in the episode, along with a list of potential winner contenders near the bottom. I also want to point out before I get into my thoughts going into the new season, while edgic aims to be an objective loo

Mylo's Blog - Will it be used?

Hello to any who see this! Most likely I am just going to use this for Survivor Canberra Season 2 Edgic. If I happen to find another way to use this, that'd be cool though. SM Handles: Facebook: Mylo Liorentas Instagram: Mylo713 Snapchat: myloninja13