
Showing posts from March, 2023

Survivor Canberra S2 Edgic - Episode 8

Welcome all to the eighth edition of Survivor Canberra edgic. We're in the thick of it now! With only two episodes after this, I'm going to have to make some tough calls here to determine who I believe can truly win and where everyone's story arcs will conclude. For this week, I've also decided to go back to the opening episode to check everyone's first confessional. I want to compare that introduction to where they are now, and then determine how their story has unfolded. Previously On Segment Rather than focus on individual wording, let's take a look at who got focus in this flashback section. Ignoring James, the two players with confessionals were Anna & Nic - two people I believe are key endgamers. Players like Mel and Malcolm received no recap and one of them just left this episode. Otherwise this segment mostly set up the events of this episode, with the stray Sophie vote, Johanna as a target and the women's alliance.  Middle of the Road At this po

Survivor Canberra S2 Edgic - Episode 7

Hello to all reading! I appreciate you all for checking in for another week. Unlike the undeniable mess that was last week's episode, this current one was far more straightforward. The boot was telegraphed clearly and little changed in terms of storylines. This means not much change on my end either, so this one will be quicker than the other ones.  Previously On Segment This recap was standard and I only found two things of note. One was calling Mel a 'primary target', the edit last episode didn't really suggest Mel as a main target and even flushing her idol. I'd argue Anna was more shown as an option to go home but wasn't mentioned here, potentially protection on her behalf? The second was showing Nic say 'Loseyu'. A humorous moment yet a tiny bit cocky especially to see in a recap. Neither of these are major revelations but considering Mel and Nic were potential winners it's unexpected to see them be undermined slightly. Middle of the Road Mel ha

Survivor Canberra S2 Edgic - Episode 6

  Welcome to the merge episode edgic for Survivor Canberra Season 2! This episode was chaotic, messy and full of gameplay and personality moments - perfect for edgic. It was a massive episode as well so there's a lot to uncover, let's get into it! Previously On Segment A good way to determine what storyline is being pushed in recaps is to compare it to what we're shown in the episodes. Is the recap 'accurate' to what we saw ourselves? If not, it's likely there's been some manipulation to sway our opinion in a certain direction. The biggest one I noticed was the claim that Anna 'tried to save Hayley'. We didn't see that last episode, at least not in a noticeable way. Once again the previously on segment highlighted Anna protecting Hayley even though by all accounts Hayley was just as close to John and it was a group decision both rounds. This is particularly noteworthy because James would've then been Anna's target - and they were shown to

Survivor Canberra S2 Edgic - Episode 5

 Hello to all! Welcome back to another edgic reading of Survivor Canberra season 2. We had a massive episode 5 to cover, with two tribals, two eliminations, 74 minutes of content and the final pre-merge round before we go to merge. Next episode will probably be more important in terms who exactly the winner is (merge episodes are usually strong indicators on who the most important characters are) but this episode gave screentime to virtually every player - which allows us to get a good recap on what their story is until this point and what it may be afterwards. Previously On Segment The previously on Segment was fairly straightforward. Only three things of note stood out to me- the first was calling Michaels advantage a 'lucked out' win. While technically true, it gave all the agency away from Michael as though he didn't even deserve it, in comparison to hearing that Sophie 'scored an idol'. The second was repeating that Michael can bequeath the advantage to anothe

Survivor Canberra S2 Edgic - Episode 4

It's that time of week again! Survivor Canberra edgic. Episode 4 was published and I'm here to scrutinise the episode, finding clues about who the potential winners of the season are, along with other predictions. We once again went even shorter in this episode, just 42 minutes and we don't generally look at challenge or tribal council content, meaning there isn't a whole lot of airtime left for everyone else. Episode 4 was able to clarify some story arcs for me in a big way, let's get into it all. Previously On Segment The previously on segment confirmed everything I'd suspected regarding Kubbadang. Once again, we heard Mar targeting Mal/Jo, and we saw a Nic confessional. We had no flashback to Jo (who had gotten content regarding her vote towards Nic) nor Malcolm/Michael/Banfield/Sophie. Sophie got excellent content in the episode but the other four have little excuse, they're just not the primary characters. I found Winyu's review far more interesting